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Sewing A Curve

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R.Kay Design: Sewing A Curve

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sewing A Curve

When I was making the Wavy Zip Top Tote designed by Bethany Rapp of Sweet Bee Buzzings, I thought it might be helpful for you to see detail of how I sewed the curve, so I took pics.

First, notice that the band and the main piece both were cut with the same curve. I was tempted to place the right sides together matching the curves. Not all curves will have cuts that are the same but for this project I could have easily goofed up. Had I done that, instead of the pretty wave between the main piece and the band that lays flat, I would have gotten a pooch that either pooched in or out.

Instead, as Bethany explains in her instructions, lay both pieces on the table like a puzzle, side by side as if they were already sewn. Then turn the top piece over onto the main piece. The curves will be opposite of each other almost leading you to believe that there is no way they can be sewn together.

Well think again, they can go together, you just have make it happen. When I was sewing this tote, I marked the middle of both pieces with a pin by folding them in half and putting a pin on the fold. I then matched the pins together and pinned the two pieces together at that point and worked outward, one side and then starting in the middle again working outward to the other end.

You just match the fabric and pin, then move a little along the fabric matching and pinning. You will need to manipulate the fabric with your fingers somewhat. Use lots of pins.

Then, it's a little hard to sew. The fabric will want to pleat in some places especially where there are tight curves. You just have to work it with your fingers and go slow. If it should pleat, just continue on to the end. Then go back and rip out the portion with the pleat with your seam ripper and resew it.

After sewing - clip the curves. This will help it lay flat and take away stress on the seam making it stronger.

Most items you'll sew that have a curve will look good with a topstitch and that will hold the seam down on the inside and help the curve to lay flat. Before topstitching, iron the seam to the side where the topstitching will go. Then the topstitching will hold the seam flat. Sorry, forgot to get a pic for that.

Good luck with your project.

Until later ~


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At June 22, 2011 at 9:56 AM , Blogger Bethany said...

Awesome! That's how I ended up pinning mine too - in the center and then working outwards. It was much easier than when I tried to match up the markings so when I get my act together and repost the pattern pieces I'll note that.
AND - I'm glad I'm not the only one who uses tons of pins for curves :)


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