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Making A Pattern

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R.Kay Design: Making A Pattern

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Making A Pattern

I feel like I've been absent, no new projects to show, no sewing techniques to teach. I've been working on making a purse pattern and it's not as easy as I thought it would be.

I first drew my idea on paper with the measurements I THOUGHT I wanted. Then I used Adobe Illustrator to draw the pattern. That wasn't too hard except that I haven't used Illustrator in several years and my skills are rusty, but I worked through it. Next I was off to make a prototype out of muslin.

That's where I found my problems. Until you actually see it all put together, it's hard to visualize. It was too wide so when I put it on my shoulder, the middle drooped. Also the strap was too wide and the ruffle was too big.

Back to the pattern and Illustrator.

I ended up making three prototypes and I think I finally got a good pattern. Now I need to make a couple of REAL purses with it. I plan to give several options so the person making the purse has some choices as to how they want it to look.

So, I have some purse making to do. I'm glad I have a three day weekend coming up. My hubby has to work on July 4th so that will be a sewing day for me, yay!!! I love to sew!

I'll show you what I'm up as I start creating.

Until later ~


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At July 14, 2011 at 12:06 AM , Blogger Minoaka Mama said...

Hi there from a new follower and newbie to sewing and pattern making!
I've been trying to create my own patterns on paper, I never thought of transferring it to the computer. I have Inkscape but I still am very new at it and havent' used it much. Do you find it easier to do it on paper and use the computer as well? Wonderful blog by the way!
Cat @

At July 14, 2011 at 7:12 AM , Blogger Reba said...

Hi Minoaka! Thanks for following.

This is the first time I've attempted to make a pattern but I like the computer for making the pattern pieces. I used paper and a pencil to draw out the design, measurements, etc., but when I started to make the pieces, I went straight to the computer.

I used to work as a graphic artist and know how to use and am comfortable with Adobe Illustrator. It took me a bit to get reaqainted but once I got over that hump I was good. The thing I like most about the computer is the ability to measure accurately and also to replicate easily, e.g., the curve where the ruffle goes on this pattern was easy to replicate from the top band to the main exterior piece. By hand on paper, I would have needed to trace it.

Good luck with your pattern making. It's a lot of fun but not easy. I went through five test runs on this pattern before I got it right.


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