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Blog Mission Statement - Distilled

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R.Kay Design: Blog Mission Statement - Distilled

Monday, July 18, 2011

Blog Mission Statement - Distilled

Yesterday I shared my story and talked a little about what I want to do with this blog. It was a long story and I hope some of you took the time to read it. Now I need to distill the information and formulate a blog mission statement for Nikki Rae's. This isn't an easy task, how do you take so much information and restate it in just 2 or 3 sentences?

Well, here's what I came up with.


Nikki Rae's new blog mission statement:

Nikki Rae's is a blog that I write for those who love to sew purses, handbags, and similar items and then sell them on Etsy. Nikki Rae's readers will enjoy all kinds of information about sewing purses and handbags as well as info that I learn as I build my own Etsy business. The community that forms will enjoy sewing tutorials, sneak peeks of new patterns, give-aways, reviews and discussions of other designer's patterns, sew-alongs, and general sewing room talk. I'll give insights into what inspires me, troubles me, challenges me, and fills me with joy while sharing my goals, sewing tips, business tips, people I admire, and stories about doing what it takes to make a fulltime living creating the things I love. I want all my readers to share the joy I feel in knowing that others find pleasure in sewing the designs I create.

Come join me in my journey to creating a business that supports me into my retirement and learn a little, laugh a little, and maybe even cry a little along the way. I'd love to have you along for the ride while I share my experiences.


So? What do you think? How can I improve it? What do you like about? What do you hate about it? Let me know!


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At July 19, 2011 at 8:03 AM , Blogger Jan said...

Sounds good to me!


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